Bills are sent out twice a month. Some members will receive more than one bill a month, depending on where your accounts are in our service area.
Billing Cycle 1
Mailed out at the beginning of the month.
Payment is due in the Lea County Electric office no later than the fifth of every month.
Billing Cycle 2
Mailed out at the end of the month.
Payment is due in the Lea County Electric office no later than the fifteenth of every month.
Our members often request a Letter of Credit and we are pleased to do so. However, our members should remember your bill must be paid within twenty days from the date it was mailed or it cannot be classified as a current payment. Most utilities in evaluating whether a security deposit will be required consider the number of non-current payments during the most current twelve-month period; payments returned for insufficient funds and any discontinuance of service due to non-payment. An inadequate payment history in any of these categories will in most cases be reason enough to require a security deposit.
Bills are due twenty calendar days from the date of the bill. If payment is not received on the due date, the bill becomes delinquent and is subject to disconnection fifteen days after the due date. To inform you of this, a 15 Day Disconnect Notice will be sent to you normally the day following the due date. A .00667% Fee for each delinquent sub-account will automatically be added to the member’s bill if a 15 Day Notice is printed.
If the bill remains unpaid, a Two Day Notice will be left at the member’s residence or be notified verbally at least two days prior to disconnection. If payment is not received by the disconnect date, service will be subject to disconnection on the following day. Disconnections will be done within the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. local time but will not occur the day before a weekend or on a day the Cooperative will be closed.
If electric service is disconnected because of non-payment, it will be reconnected after the amount past due is paid in full. A $50 reconnect fee per meter will be charged.
The Public Regulation Commission requires us to reconnect service as soon as we reasonably can upon full payment of the delinquent amount, no later than 5:00 p.m. the following business day. If a serious medical situation exists in your home, we will reconnect as early as possible within a twelve hour period.
Charges for collection fees and reconnection of service are as follows:
- Reconnect Fee for Non-Pay Disconnect - $50.00 per meter
- Insufficient Check Charges - $25.00
- Tampering Fee - $200.00 (Plus estimated value of electricity)
- Delinquent Collection Processing Fee – 8% per annual
- Deposit- If Applicable (See below)
A security deposit may also be required. All other applicable fees will be charged. Members with questions are encouraged to contact LCEC at least twenty-four hours before the date electric service is scheduled for the disconnect. Every attempt will be made to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.
You may be able to avoid these extra charges by contacting our office in advance to arrange payment, an extension, or to be referred to agencies that can provide.
If you are seriously ill and use prescribed medical equipment, you may be eligible for a delay in your payment for a maximum of one month by providing a medical certification from your doctor.
New Mexico Human Services Department
Low-Income Support Division
2120 N. Alto
Hobbs, NM 88240
Telephone: 575-397-3400
FAX: 575-393-2529
Southeast New Mexico Community Action Corp.
1601 N. Turner
Hobbs, NM 88240
Telephone: 575-393-9328
FAX: 575-397-0278
Family Center of Lea County
200 E. Park, Room 134
Hobbs, NM 88240
Telephone: 575-393-1776
FAX: 575-393-0343
For Our Texas Members:
South Plains Community Action Corp.
(Yoakum/Cochran Counties)
112 S. Second
Denver City, TX
Telephone: 806-592-7163
FAX: 806-592-7163
West Texas Opportunities
(Gaines County)
210 SW Avenue B
Seminole, TX
Telephone: 432-758-9560
FAX: 432-758-6366
Fuel Adjustment Factor Explained
What is the fuel factor adjustment on my bill?
As you are probably aware, the price of natural gas, oil, and coal used to generate electricity has skyrocketed. The market sets the price for these fuels on a state and national basis. LCEC is a distribution cooperative that does not generate any of the electricity it sells. The Cooperative operates as an energy "wholesaler," buying electricity in bulk to benefit its member-owners. The fuel factor adjustment on your bill is a way for LCEC to be reimbursed for the actual cost of the power purchased to meet the needs of its member-owners. As a not-for-profit cooperative, LCEC has a responsibility to charge you only what is necessary. LCEC's fuel factor adjustment allows this to be accomplished. Other rising costs that affect the adjustment include the cost of meeting environmental regulations related to power plant emissions.
Why is the fuel factor adjustment different?
LCEC uses a levelized semi-annual fuel factor. The bill for the electricity purchased by LCEC for its member-owners is paid as soon as it is received. Then, the difference between what has already been collected from the customer and what the Cooperative has had to pay for electricity is determined. That difference is the fuel factor adjustment on your bill. It is important to remember that this adjustment can be, and has been in the past, a credit to our member-owners. The Public Service Commission of New Mexico has approved LCEC's fuel factor adjustment because it believes it is a fair way for LCEC to recover the actual cost of electricity from its member-owners. Your Cooperative makes no profit from this adjustment.
Is the fuel factor adjustment a rate increase?
As part of our goal to provide reliable electric service at a reasonable price, LCEC has maintained its current rate since 1993. Your Cooperative's rates have not increased.
Why doesn't LCEC reduce the costs for senior citizens?
LCEC is a not-for-profit electric cooperative. All members are charged for their electricity based upon costs incurred to provide them with electric service. If one group of members is given a discount, the other members must pay higher costs to make up that difference.
What can I do to manage my electric service bill?
As a member-owned cooperative, LCEC is committed to working with its member-owners to keep costs affordable. This can be done through the wise use of energy, as well as signing up for LCEC's Budget Billing service, which allows for equal monthly payments. Although Budget Billing doesn't reduce what is spent each year for electricity, it does make payments easier to manage. For more information on Budget Billing and energy management, call to speak with a customer service representative at 575-396-3631. Suggestions are also available on ways energy expenses can be managed. For a variety of tips, or to participate in an energy audit, please give us a call or come by to see us.
Trip Charges:
Temporary Connect/Disconnect Trip Charge - $167.00 (After Business Hours)
Consumer Initiated Field Investigation - $107.00 per hour (No charge if the problem is on Utility's line)
Delinquent Collection Processing Fee - 8% per annual
Reconnection Fee for Non-pay disconnect - $50.00 per meter
Return of Consumer Check - Insufficient Check Charges - $25.00
Initial establishment of temporary service to non-permanent structures (mobile homes, contractors, portable tools, etc.) - Actual Cost
Fraud or illegal diversion of electricity - $200.00. Reconnection of service where same has been disconnected (Plus estimated value of electricity used)
Testing of the meter when requested by the consumer, the Utility may make the following charges:
If the meter has not been tested during the previous 18 months - None
Single phase meter - $26.00
Three phase meter - $65.00
Line extension rates to apply: (Line Extension Policy):
Rule 10 c. 1 - Residential - $1,087.00
Rule 10 c. 2 - Irrigation and Oilfields - $50.00
Rule 10 c. 3 - Excess cost - $30,000.00
If someone in your home is dependent on life-support equipment, do not wait until an outage to notify us.
Call Us Now at:
575-396-3631 or 1-800-510-5232
We will give these residences priority when services are reconnected. The Cooperative suggests that you have a stand-by generator available as a precautionary measure.
Please call our office at (575)396-3631